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how to choose the right inventory software for your warehouse
Retail & eCommerce Warehouse Management by FTx Global

How to Choose the Right Inventory Software for your Warehouse

FTx Global (FasTrax Warehouse, Inventory Software)

Warehouse technologies have been rapidly evolving. Improving efficiency, diversifying operations, and offering lightning-fast fulfillment times are important for a company to maintain a competitive edge, attract and retain customers, and make the most of their employees’ time.

Investing in automation is an important aspect of upgrading your warehouse workflow. Companies can get a strong hold on their supply chain management if they employ a warehouse management system that has comprehensive inventory control. Still, you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t know that. So, let’s get an idea about warehouse inventory software characteristics!

We’re going to keep things simple and give you three rules to live by while running your warehouse. If your warehouse inventory software doesn’t support these rules, you might need to upgrade your technology and purchase a solution that does.

Don’t let short shipment holds bog down the entire warehouse
Inventory inaccuracies occur when the quantity of an item received is less than ordered quantity. In the industry, it is termed as “short-shipped” because the receivables were “short” of the expected quantity. Experienced warehouse managers know that late arriving packages are usually the cause of this kind of discrepancy pileup. When short-shipped orders happen, they freeze inventory and warehouse workflow bottleneck and truncate the whole warehouse’s ability to fulfill other orders.

Using a detail and real-time warehouse inventory software system, differences can be found out and reconciled; rather than holding your warehouse’s entire inventory. Your fulfillment systems can still move forward with orders not associated with the SKU items.

Normalize adjustment codes across inventory pools
No matter what size your company is, it will grow over time, whether it occupies one or several warehouse locations. When companies use different warehouses in various locations even across several states the inventory tracking becomes exponentially more complex. Each warehouse location has its inventory pool to track, but being the company owner, you should know what the total inventory is any time you choose.

The answer to this challenge includes using intuitive inventory software that normalizes inventory codes across all warehouses as part of your overall maintenance routine. Normalizing codes provides a better idea of the items that are potentially available and helps forecast fulfillment of an order.

Connected inventory-adjustment system
Be sure to pick warehouse inventory software with a simple and centralized management tool to help you identify shipment holds and sync inventory adjustment codes. You need to be able to easily and efficiently manage any changes therein. This is the most important way to improve short-shipped rates. Ensure all warehouse databases and other inventory processing systems are connected and working in the right order to highlight inventory discrepancies and avoid inventory issues.

By this point, you’re probably convinced of the importance of all the features we’ve gone over, but do you know which software to choose?

FasTrax Warehouse gives you a complete control over inventory, no matter how many warehouse locations you have. Price lists are assigned to account groups to assign them to customer accounts easily. Daily inventory snapshots allow you to run reports as per your schedule. Our proprietary software shows the quantity available on order and on hand for any item.

FasTrax Warehouse

  • Assign price lists to account groups and correlate them to customer accounts
  • Our Price Lists software supports tax and margin percentage pricing to help you see your bottom line clearly. You can add and offer discount on base price by percentage or dollar; you remain in control
  • Location picking comes with up to 10 location levels per item. Our pick sheets and handheld wireless devices allow efficiently pick orders and reduce unnecessary trips around the warehouse floor
  • Our software solution comes with EDI support so that you’re never alone navigating the collection and routing of electronic transactions

Let FasTrax Warehouse handle the heavy lifting of your inventory management! Click here to learn how FasTrax Warehouse can accurately track your inventory and automate your daily warehouse operations.

Discover all of the services that FTx Global offers and partner with us today.